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use qv motors

every month to shop cars, car loans and
car insurance in Barbados.


20,000 Barbadians use QV Motors every
month to shop cars, car loans and car insurance
in Barbados.

  1. We built the easiest way for Bajans to see what cars are on the market whenever they’re free to take a look.Over half of our visitors come outside of traditional business hours when traditional Brick and Mortar dealerships have closed their doors for the day.
  2. We help secure the best financing deal for them by working hand in hand with lending institutions as well as the best insurance providers for comprehensive cover all without them stepping foot inside the institution until its closing time.
  3. We give car buyers peace of mind by supplying thoroughly checked, Quality Vehicles for a competitive price all the while honoring any warranty obligations or just some friendly after purchase advice.

At QV Motors, you have access to any new or used Gasoline, Hybrid, Electric or Luxury vehicle
you can think of, at the most affordable rate in Barbados… and we intend to keep it that way.

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